Information in English

Registration (application) for admittance to upper secondary school for the Autumn Term 2024 

Takes place:

For students coming from 10th grade (born 2008) from 20th of March to 7th of June.
For older students: 15th of January to 31st of May.

Information letter for parents and legal guardians of 10th grade students

Informacje dla rodziców i opiekunów uczniów klasy 10

Carta informativa para padres y tutores legales e los estudiantes de 10.° grado

Each school decides the length of it‘s application period, which in some cases is longer.  Information regarding the period for each school is to be found under „yfirlit skóla“ in the application.

To apply for the school click the button „ný umsókn“ on this site. Applicants must have Íslykil (a web key) to access the application form or electronic certificate. Íslykill can be applied for at and either be sent to the net-bank within few minutes or to a registered domicile (lögheimili) which takes 2 to 5 week-days. Students grauduating from the 10th grade will get a web key connected to their kennitala from their school.


The registration procedure for Distance Learning, Blended Learning and Evening Schools will be in accordance with the arrangements advertised by each individual upper secondary school.

For further information please contact Menntamálastofnun:  Tel. 514 7500 or email